About the Owner

I don’t know if we’ve met before, but welcome to JDQCreative!
My name is James and I created this website as an outlet for my art, photos, writing and pretty much any other skills I want to exercise and things I like to make. An outlet where I can share these things with you and the world.
I am not great at talking about myself so I won’t fill this page with the lore of JDQ, but I’ll give you the basics. I grew up in Massachusetts and currently live in New Hampshire. As a wee lad and through my teenage years I could never really adjust to the tight structure of school life. I also had a penchant for drawing and writing which I often used as an escape.
As a result of my troubles in school, after high school I said miss me with that college nonesense, and cut straight to trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up. Spoilers, I still don’t.
(PSA I absolutely support higher education, and if I had the ability to go back I might have chosen to get a degree, but.. eh).
In the present, despite my school failings I live a pretty happy life with a beautiful wife and two misfit cats. I even have a mortgage! A millenial, paying a mortgage, I mean have you even heard of such a thing?!
But ah here comes the twist! I work…
*insert Wilhelm scream here*
So yea I have a very unsatisfying career I’ve been in for far too long. But I have always been extremely self motivated and am determined to learn skills that will help me advance a knew career. Maybe a nice career with a big company with a lovely work culture!
What if I could work for myself? Perhaps I can motivate ,yself long enough and hard enough to find a way to help people directly. Well that’s where JDQCreative comes in!
JDQCreative is a place where I can put up my vector art assets, Stock photos, blog tutorials and more to build value in a platform I made. I can let visitors like you guide me to see what you are looking for and provide it.
So to boil it down. I’m here for you! Whether it’s scalable art for your website, youtube channel or newsletter. Cut files for crafting with Cricut, stock photos for a small business, ads or pages. Who knows what else we can make together!
So join me on this journey of positive creativity and growth. and let’s make something together we can be proud to say we did!